bento geek
now with better pictures and no transparent image files!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

This was really yummy. 5 flavor lunchbox. Two types of really good meat... salmon, left & roast on the right. it came with a nice "italian dressing" package (small green package above lunchbox) which was some "sweetーzestyーsourーtangyーbuttery" flavor... not sure how they got all the flavors in one package, but great compliment for the meat. the salads were potato (nice but i like mayo in my potato salad) and pumpkin salad (sweet and yummy) and some kinda boring speggheti. Had this with some japanese (green) plum juice.
bento geek, 7:02 PM
Commonly Used Words (drag me)
bento - Japanese style lunchbox
ekiben - Train station lunchbox
conbini - Convience store