bento geek
now with better pictures and no transparent image files!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What? nato kimchi roll (maki)
When/Where? Near Three F Conbini
Comments: First, if you dont know "nato" is fermented Japanese beans. They stink, and they are sticky... but they taste good! And if you dont know, Nato plus Korean kimchi (pickled spicy cabbage) is very good together! I saw this, and had to buy it and try it. (Yes, I know its not bento.) And yes, it was very good, the kimchi was a little weak though. Ate it with mango juice or something. I forget, the main point was the nato-kimchi combo, it took centeral focus. In fact, the picture of it was a little blury but I didnt care because I wanted to finish. As you can see, I love nato kimchi maki... When I was buying it, the store clerk asked me if I wanted a bag, and when I said no, she asked about a straw, I said yes, and she taped it to my carton of juice. This is the best way to do it. I like it when they do that, its so cool. So basically this was a perfect eating moment. 140YEN
bento geek, 12:21 AM
Commonly Used Words (drag me)
bento - Japanese style lunchbox
ekiben - Train station lunchbox
conbini - Convience store